Centrldesk help center

Check end of text in Centrldesk

Written by Sebastian | Mar 30, 2022 12:59:47 PM

The Text Ends With block is used to check if a text ends with another text.

If the text ends with the text to be checked, it evaluates to true. If not, false is returned. The check is case-sensitive.

Example A:

The result of input text 'Hello Centrldesk' and search text 'Centrldesk' is true.

Example B:

The result of the input text 'Hello Centrldesk' and the search text 'Hello' is false.


True or false depending on whether the search text is right at the end of the text.

Tips and best practices:

Spaces are also compared. Additionally use the Trim Text block to remove spaces at the beginning and end of the text.

